You guys– Vignettes are the BEST thing ever! And if you know me, you know I can’t resist a vignette!!! Honestly, the description “vignette” is so broad and can mean SO many things, you may have vignettes alllllll over your home and not even know it! Who knows, maybe you love vignettes but you haven’t realized yet!!
Either way, vignettes are so easy and fun, because there’s really no rules! It’s all about the items you love and want to show off, and it can be made up of so many elements!! If I did have one tip for you, it would be to mix textures and patterns! Sometimes it’s easier to keep it all the same or try to stick with a “theme,” but really, the more the merrier! And by more, I mean more variation, not more items (although more items are good, too)! You can have a BEAUTIFUL vignette with only a couple solid pieces!
I have some go-to places in my home that I love to decorate and re-decorate all the time! They are somewhat ever-changing, really my whole house kind of is! When I score a new thrifted find, it has to go somewhere, right!? Hence, things move!
I do have a couple favorite spots in my home to decorate though, and this cabinet is one of them! It’s one of the first things people see as they enter my home, so it’s kind of a special spot!
4 different vintage-inspired vignettes
- The Silver Vignette
I have a silver addiction, and if I’m out and about and find a good piece, it’s mine! So naturally, I absolutely LOVE this vignette! I think the tray behind the silver, mixed with the floral, feminine frames, and the greenery– it just comes together so well!
Plus, you know I love decorating with books!
2. Elegant and Simple
There is NOTHING wrong with keeping it simple! The layers and patterns are still so pleasing to the eye, and it lets the main piece really stand out!
As you may notice, I kept the floral pictures, the serving platter and the greenery, but added in a cake stand and a sweet little bird tureen! The tureen is DEFINITELY the star of the show here!
3. The Personalized Vignette
This one is soooo fun– there’s a few things going on here! Of course, we’ve got the silver, but then we added the dishes! Let me tell ya, if you aren’t decorating with dishes, why not!? They do not just belong in the kitchen– they can go anywhere and everywhere in your home, and are GREAT in a vignette! I stacked some dishes on top of the cabinet and threw some in that rusty basket shown on the right! A basket, kind of like a cloche, makes even ordinary things look better! Lastly, a sweet picture of my grandparents attached with a clothespin, puts the finishing touch on!
In my opinion, this is a very fun little vignette, that takes a moment to fully swallow– and I love that!
4. The Beast
Now, I’m not calling this the beast because it’s the best one, but this one is pretty neat!!! As you may notice, I kept the floral frames seen in every other vignette because they are just the perfect extra touch in the background!
Additionally, I found these thrifted wooden birds at an estate sale recently and just HAD to include them! Plus, they add some new color and texture! Then, we’ve got so many textures added– the glass cloche, wooden riser, mini tureen, ball of string, silver, and the platter you’ve seen before! This is a mix-up of alllll the best things, and the textures just keep you interested!
It’s definitely hard to say which vignette is my favorite, but the good news is, I don’t really have to! All of these vignettes can ebb and flow throughout my home over the coming years, and the even better news– many of the items overlap and are used over and over so I can mix and match with pieces that are already out! It can’t get much easier than that!
Love, love all the vignettes! Was looking for the song but didn’t see it
Alma Nelson
Conroe, Tx