Are my creativity and faith connected? Am I utilizing my creative gifts for the betterment of the Kingdom? How do I use my creative gifts to spread the gospel? These are questions I’ve wrestled with for years.
Creativity is something that has always come naturally to me and like most people and the gifts they are given, I don’t just like to do it, I NEED to. Expressing my creativity in one form or another makes me feel whole, useful, and at peace. The problem I faced for years was that I believed creativity was in one column and my faith was in another. I didn’t let them intersect or overlap. I didn’t really see how they intertwined.
This gap led me to have huge amounts of self-doubt. I began to feel like my creativity was selfish and worldly. I didn’t think it mattered or held much weight in the big scheme of things. It felt trivial and if I’m being brutally honest, useless.
And then a shift in my thinking happened. The shift came from lots of prayer and lots of reading my Bible. A new image and confidence started to emerge. And it changed everything. Maybe you need a change too?
Let me paint a picture for you! Scripture lays it out best…
- Ephesians 5:1 tells us “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.”
- Psalm 139:13 tells us we are created by God, he knows us intimately, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
- In 1 Corinthians 12:4 we are told “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.”
- Within the first FIVE WORDS of the Bible we are told that God is a creator! Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
- Ephesians 2:10 For we are God‘s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Let’s put these verses together. God, the ULTIMATE example of creativity, not only formed the world and heavens but you and me. He then asked us, through His word, to imitate Him and serve his purpose of bringing all to Him through the gifts He gave us and the plan He prepared for us. (BTW – I have a free download for you, Bible verses that point to creativity! It will inspire you for sure! Grab it here:
Our gifts, our talents, our creativity, our lives, our work, our business, our social life, our relationships – none of it was meant to be siloed separate from our faith. One is no good without the other. (James 2:17-18)
Learning to invite God into my creativity and acknowledging that my creative gift comes from Him alone stirred an explosion, a faith-filled confidence that I have never had before. It made my hobbies, interests, and work feel good and right. Kingdom focused. The focus shifted from me to Christ. I started to realize what was inside me wasn’t just a personal preference or my own doing, but a tool given to me by God. My confidence grew in Christ, not my ability.
When we consider whether our creativity is serving the Kingdom, we must delve into the intentions behind our creative pursuits. Are we using our gifts to glorify God, uplift others, and spread messages of hope, love, and redemption? Or are we merely seeking self-gratification and recognition? That can be a really tough question to ask, but in the answer lies freedom.
The Bible emphasizes the importance of stewardship and using our talents for the greater good. In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Jesus speaks of the responsibility entrusted to us to cultivate and multiply the gifts we’ve been given. Whether it’s through painting, writing, singing, or any other form of creative expression, we are called to use our talents wisely and purposefully.
One of the most significant ways we can use our creativity for the Kingdom is by infusing our work with biblical truth and values. This doesn’t necessarily mean creating explicitly religious art, but rather infusing our creations with the gospel. Through our creativity, we have the power to inspire, challenge, and provoke thought, ultimately pointing others towards the source of all creativity – the Creator Himself. This beautiful combination of faith and creativity can open doors to conversations by meeting people where they are and joining people through common interests. Community forms around interests.
This doesn’t just apply to traditional art forms like painting, drawing, and writing. Creativity permeates every aspect of our lives, from problem-solving in the workplace to nurturing relationships with friends and family. When we approach each task with a spirit of creativity and excellence, we reflect the image of a creative God who delights in innovation and beauty. Our reflection draws people in.
The world needs the gifts you were given. Creativity is all around you. Have you gotten dressed today? Did you notice a beautiful home? a skyscraper? Did you see a stunning flower arrangement? Watch a good movie or hear a fun song? Everything around us is born from creativity and someone saying yes to sharing the gift given to them for the greater good.
Here are 10 ways you can start to intersect your creative gifts with your faith
- Pray. Ask God what he’d like you to do with the gifts he gave you.
- Read His word. When you delve into the Bible with a purpose, you will see answers and directions bubble up.
- Just start. Start exploring the things you love and use them as a Holy ground. I find the best talks with God happen when I’m knee-deep in being creative. Pull out your paints, music, yarn, or whatever medium you work with and create. It will come together.
- It doesn’t have to be obvious. You don’t have to create Christian art to share the gospel in your creative endeavors. Your heart, your light, and your deeds will reflect and permeate all you do if you are focused on Christ as your inspiration and guide. Remember, confidence built on Christ is a bright light.
- Surround yourself with other faith-filled creatives. Faith and creativity are contagious, if you can surround yourself with people who have the same outlook and desires you will be inspired in new and exciting ways. (need community? check out my community here)
- Never stop learning. Whatever your craft, never stop being a student. The more you learn, the more paths you cross, the more likely you are to share your faith through doing what you love. Knowledge breeds confidence.
- Sit at the sinner’s table. #5 says to surround yourself with like minds, but get up from that table and mix it up with others. Be a light in a dark place. Be the beautiful example that causes people who don’t know the Lord to wonder where you get your glow. This is taking your faith-backed creative confidence and putting it into the world. This might be through teaching classes, volunteering, taking a class, starting a new job, or spending time with new friends.
- Don’t be scared to fail. If you are working in the mindset that believes your gifts are from Christ, don’t be afraid to fall. He has lessons in everything if you are willing to learn. Learn and try again. That could be with a painting on canvas or a large creative endeavor. No one always gets it right.
- Put on blinders. In today’s social media world, comparison can stop you dead in your tracks. It’s easy to see people way ahead of you on their faith and creativity walk and feel like you should be further along, more talented, more like them. That is a lie. Guard your eyes and stay on your path. You are where you are in your journey and that is right where you are supposed to be. If social media (or any distraction) does anything but inspire you, take a break from it until you gain your creative confidence.
- Think small. It’s important to remember we aren’t all called to be missionaries in a foreign land. We don’t all need to have a massive platform with millions of followers. Our mission field is personal, it’s where God places us. He will move you to a different or larger field when and if the timing is right. Put on those blinders and do your own work.
If you need a nudge and a place to start I have something for you. I created a workshop called Name Above All Names. It’s a junk journaling course designed to teach you techniques to start the journey of junk journaling. The truth is, it’s a Bible study as well. To call on God, you have to know WHO HE IS. This course has two purposes. One is to get you going creatively and the other is to focus you on Christ and his character. It’s also just really fun. 🙂
If you are interested and want some direction, you can read more about the course here. My prayer is that you gain a deep trust in who God is so you can share and showcase the gifts He gave you with a confidence you can’t get anywhere else in this world.

Hello Kim I just wanted you to know the bottom two links do not open. 10 ways to combine your faith and creativity, and 16 Bible verses where faith and creativity colide.
they are just for pins to save later, but I went ahead and linked them to the download – thank you for letting me know!!! enjoy!xo
How do I get the download 10 ways to combine your faith and creativity? I’ve looked all over for it? Clicking on the words or image does not open anything for me.
Here you go:
It brings me to the wrong thing. But thank you for trying.
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing these insights Kim. It was just what I needed to hear today. I had just been talking to God about his very topic of where to use my creative gifts and then I opened my email and there you were! No coincidence! Sometimes He speaks through people and I’m so happy that you were obedient to share your story.
Blessings to you,