Craft Box Giveaway from Your Favorite Bloggers!
I told you guys this year was about generosity and this month would be filled with chances to win good stuff! Well my hoarding habit is coming in handy for one lucky follower today! Sometimes my craft room starts to burst and the seams and it’s a good idea to let some things go. My friend Sarah from the blog Sadie Seasongoods organized this fun little blog hop. Each blog involved is hosting a separate giveaway of a fun filled craft supply box. If you are super lucky you could actually win more than one (there are SEVEN giveaways!). Each one of us has similar styles, so we are hopeful you will find a new blog to love and follow while you’re crossing your fingers for some happy mail! You can see their boxes and get the link to their blogs down below.
I filled my box with little things you can use to make some easy projects, a few things that NEED a makeover and some plain ole fun trinkets. I hope you’ll let me see what you do with the goodies you receive. The chance to enter ends SUNDAY, January 21, 2018. Hurry up and enter to win here, then head to my friends and enter theirs.
A few details: (Giveaway is Open to Residents of the USA, 18 years or older only, and will end at 12:00 am CT on Sunday, January 21. Winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond. Hunt & Host is not responsible for any damage to box contents that may occur during shipping. Thank you for your understanding! Otherwise enjoy!)a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now go see these lovely ladies and their craft box giveaway:
I am moving so I need a lot of beautiful things for my new decor!
To be more POSITIVE! Thanks.for the great giveaway! Fingers.crossed.
What an awesome bunch of giveaways!! Good luck to everyone and thanks for this giveaway.It looks simply wonderful!
Thanks Kim!
These are always fun????
Control- That’s my word for this year I’ve decided to finally TRY to give up on things I can’t control hopefully,if I embrace this my happiness and health will improve. Happy New year
This is such a fun idea!!!!
I love to craft and would love to win the craft items. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!
How fun. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love all crafts and have to make more time to do what I love to do!!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I LOVE “stuff” boxes!! I am also excited to find more blogs with similar taste to you. I just recently found you and am a big fan.
HI! This giveaway is a great idea! One thing I love about your blog is your memory verse. And the other thing I love is how you are so creative with transforming furniture pieces. You are very inspiring!
This “stuff” inspires me!
Fun giveaway! No word this year or resolution…just action. We’ve been doing No-Spend Low-Spend January with 5 families in our Family and Friends Group. It’s become a quest for all 5 woman, and since the 2nd we’ve focused on Using It Up and donating the “Too Much” in our lives. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.
My word for 2018 is exercise. I need more activity in my life 🙂
My goal in 2018 is to be a better daughter of Jesus Christ!
My resolution is to create more…sewing, paper crafting, and who knows what else!
Thanks for doing this!
1. I love your word this year!!! It has so inspired me, I’m making it my 2018 word also! ????
2. Just the randomness of what is in your giveaway is SUPER inspirational! I hope whoever wins will share how they used and repurposed the materials!
word is believe. believe i am enough, believe in myself.
My word for 2018 is JOY. I will choose joy in my daily life. And Jesus, Others, Self is my goal!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Y goal this year is to have more fun in my life and do more crafting and let my family, friends and nature be my guides. Just have fun doing it no limits, no boundaries.
I am going to de-clutter and paint my house.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful box of crafting goodness! Love it!
Awesome what a wonderful to share your wealth of decorating supplies . Thank you
Thank you for being so generous. It truly helps me a beginning DIYer out. Love all the stuff you share.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
I don’t choose a word or resolution really but the past year was a little rough for our whole family making me just want to stay home. So, I wrote ‘Quiet Work’ on my chalkboard & surrounded it with simple flowers. I added the reference to I Thessalonian 4:11 ( make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands,) & have this reminder that though the world may be crazy & even many of my friendships have fallen apart this past year….I can still find joy at home minding my own business & loving on my family.
To focus on my being present with my family
Thank you for the chance to win and for the free printable verses!
I’m already on your email list and really enjoy reading your posts. And, please put my name in the drawing~
Opening a craft box is like opening a Christmas or birthday present. Oh the wonderful possibilities.
Building a house this year so a new beginning for me
This could be fun. If I win I hope I get creative too!
To learn to sew.
Retirement is my goal for the year LOL
what a fun giveaway, love surpirses
I am hoping to continue to declutter my home and surroundings to bring more peace and comfort into our world. I also want to give more time to my jewelry making. I pray also that God will continue to put me where I am needed most in the lives of others. thank you for this sweet giveaway!
My goal is to do more crafting projects during 2018. So I need that giveaway!
Last year, my word was “purge”. All my sisters purged and dumped their stuff at my house. I’m afraid to select a word for this year! ????
What fun to start the new year.
My goal this year is to give myself the gift of time for myself. I haven’t done any real crafting in so long and I miss it tremendously. It’s time to straighten and organize my craft area and set some time aside at least each week.
My 2018 word is READ. I like to read everything from directions to the bible. This is where you learn.
I am determined to get our home organized this year! We’re always looking for things and need to get things in shape!
I just signed up for your emails and I can tell I am going to like it here!
Fabulous giveaway! Thanks so much for sharing. I am in love with crafting, vintage, and repurposing. 🙂
My goal for 2018 is to finally get my business up and running. TFS!
I am so excited that i found your blog. I look forward to learn a lot from you.
Wonderful giveaway items. Thank U
I really don’t make resolutions but guess I could say to be a bit more organized.
Thank you for this great giveaway opportunity
I love to create new things from old items.
Pray more…..
love the stuff you are giving away.
So many fun things to create with! What an awesome give away! Going to keep my fingers crossed until Sunday!
Positivity is my word for 2018. I am shaking off the negative people in my life and not getting involved in their dramas. That will alleviate most of the stress in my life and should help lower my blood pressure which will help other health problems that I have!
I love your package of goodies! Especially that cool muffin tin! Thank you for the chance to win this prize!
I didn’t make a resolution this year because it is so frustrating if I can’t complete it. I guess that is a resolution in itself though. I do plan to walk more this year, I have pretty bad back issues which prevent a lot of activities but walking is doable and helps me stay healthy and I sleep really well on the days I walk. I bought myself a really cute pair of purple Reebok walking shoes for the days I don’t need boots.
Great giveaway!
My goal for this year is to paint my dining room and get it in order.
What a lovely offer, thank you!
Love your site — I’m new here! 🙂
My word is kindness
Hi – I just found you and have already seen some great things on your FB page. Having foot surgery on 2/2 and will be in wheelchair for 6 weeks so my goal is to get all crafting supplies back where they belong (I really organized last year, thank goodness). I can’t rest if things are a mess so am making progress. Thanks for this giveaway opportunity.
My goal for this year is to finally lose weight. It is a daily struggle but I am trying. My word is Never. Never stop. Never give up……
My goals for 2018 is to declutter and organize in every room.
Fun new things to be creative with! Great giveaways! Thank you! 🙂
Sorry. I mistyped my webpage but I corrected it below.
what a fun giftbox to win. My one word is clean, clean and more clean, as we are planning on selling our house.
My resolution is to craft more and stress less!
My word for the year is Reach. Because I have to push everyday that extra bit to follow thru and continue to work towards my goals!
My word for 2018 is Reconsider and I explain why in this blog post
My word for the year is Beautify.
My resolution this year is to eat healthy and clean.
I have been in a crafting slump and need some inspiration
My goal for this year is to enjoy the outdoors more.
My goals this year is to pay off my car, increase my stamina and get healthier over all =)
I set a goal to spend lots of time with my little ones this year.
My resolution goal for 2018 is to clean out my craft room and reorganize it.
“Let me know what your word/resolution/goal is for 2018!” Finish crafty projects that are–literally–“grindingly slow”!
My goal for this year is to make a new project ( and finish it ) each week.
I’m so very curious, the wood pieces you have in the picture (they look like bookends to me) I’d really love to know where you got them from because I have ideas with them that I really want to do but I don’t even know where to begin looking for ones like those. Thank you for any help finding them myself!
Of course – they are wooden corbels and you can find them at craft stores in the wood section, here is an affiliate link to amazon, there are a ton on there, happy hunting!
Thank you very much!