Take a dollar store cutting board and make a tablet holder for the kitchen
Once a month I join some friends to show you projects made from dollar store goods. This month we all have a dollar store hack DIY you can use to decorate on a dime! Be sure to check out the other projects at the end of this post.
It’s probably wrong how much I enjoy walking the aisle at my local dollar stores, looking for fun ideas. I’m a sucker for a bargain and elbow grease is the most un-tapped commodity around. Put the two together and well, magic happens! These cute little cutting boards were basically begging me for a makeover!
Lucky for me my husband loves to cook. (Thank you Jesus, you know what I need!) I am so seriously beyond blessed and trust me, I’m well aware of it. Anyway, he loves to cook and is always searching out new recipes to try and tweak on his I-pad. I decided he needed a tablet holder in the kitchen to help in his cooking adventures. See – at least I am contributing to the meals in some small way! Of course I wanted to make it our vintage style. I’ve seen lots of these dollar store hacks on Pinterest, but I had an extra touch for ours.
Besides being a dollar store diva I’m a part time hardware hoarder. I save and buy old knobs, handles, hinges, whatever off any junk I come across. These little jewels come in handy. Today they are the perfect pieces for fashion and function adding a vintage feel to a brand new cutting board. I used a handle backing piece and paired it with some brass knobs. Use the plate as a guide and draw circles, then drill holes in the cutting board. This will be your “holder”. (here is a similar hardware loving project and another)
Make sure your hardware is going to be spaced properly, see this picture…you want to make sure when the pieces are tightened together they are shorter than the width of your board. You also want to make sure your knobs are deep enough to allow a tablet or book to sit down properly.
For the tablet holder backing I used an extra hinge I had stored and mounted it to the back of the cutting board and a scrap piece of wood. I cut the wood down to an appropriate length, allowing enough lean in the holder to sit at an angle.
I have a little something I want to add to the cutting board later, but haven’t had time yet, so you may see part two of this project soon! Go scour your local dollar store and look for fun projects to try! Here are some more ideas:
What a darling AND functional DIY! I love that it doubles as a tablet or cookbook holder. Super cute, Kim!!
the dollar store is a gold mine!!!
Love it. So perfect for the cooker in the family whoever “he” may be. I hate to cook too.
praise be for the men cookers!!!!!
This is so cute, and I love the vintage hardware you used with it. I so need stand in my kitchen, my tablet always gets dirty. Thanks for the inspiration.
easy to make too! Hope it helps 🙂
Would love to find a wood Cutting board like that at my dollar store- all I can find is yucky plastic ones !
This came from a King Dollar store and they are already out of them – I went to grab another and they were gone. You just have to keep going to catch the good stuff!
Believe it or not, I have a couple of knobs I have been wanting to use. My blue and white knobs match my favorite blue and white porcelain pieces, dishes, and many ginger jars. My iPad is getting a new place in my kitchen. Thanks so much for your DIY solution.
what a great idea! This is why I love DIY – you can make stuff you would never find to match your style! I’d love to see it once you make it.
Great idea, Kim. Had no idea they had cutting boards like that at the Dollar Store!
I’ve seen a few good ones there! Just got to go frequently 🙂
Oh my what adorable ideas for spring with dollar store items Thank you for sharing
thanks, decor never has to cost a fortune.
This is so clever! I just love it.
thank you!!!
What a beautiful holder, it looks so expensive!
thanks! It sure wasn’t!!! best kind of makeover!