It’s hard to admit, but 40 did a number on my eyes. My whole life I’m the girl you wanted to have with you when hunting…for deer or treasures. But 40.
Now “cheaters” help blurry words come to life on the page. Having a need for cheaters brings on a whole other problem….being able to find said glasses when they are needed. As I worked on coming up with a creative solution to this dilemma it brought to mind a trip I took last year.
When I visited Brenham, Texas on a girl’s trip with my mom we toured a few of the local historical homes. (side note – if you go to Brenham visit here too!) One thing in particular stuck out to me as we rummaged through history. It wasn’t the soaring ceilings and antique fretwork or the grand staircases and stained glass. I found amazement in place and purpose.
One kitchen housed a cupboard with cleaning and laundry supplies. This little guy rested on the counter:
It is an antique ruffle crimping iron. Used to crimp crisp ruffles into collars and cuffs.
In one entryway, right by the front door was a stunning burled wood cabinet with mirrors in the lower doors. Weird right? Why would you have mirrors on the floor?
To check your petticoat as you were leaving of course.
I decided to make a piece with no other purpose but to hold the eyeglasses my tired eyes require when I read, inspired by what I saw in these old homes.
The placement and purpose of these particular items has stuck with me. Back in the day people didn’t have things they didn’t need. EVERYTHING had a job to do.
Our busy world has gotten frivolous and we fill our lives and homes with stuff, often with no particular function. Guilty, party of one, right here. It makes me wonder if all of the excess and disposableness rubs off on us. Does it distort the way we see ourselves? Because we live in a disposable world filled with unnecessary things do we grow to think we are a little unnecessary and disposable too?
God and I wrestle with this lie because this dark place often calls my name. This space of wondering about my place and purpose in life. If only my job was as clear cut as a ruffle crimper.
You see, all of us have the exact same purpose in life, which sounds incredibly boring. All the same? Yuck. But our purpose? Not so Yuck. We are here to spread the gospel (Mark 16:15). Plan and simple. Boring exits the room when God and his infinite creativity enter. Before we were born God measured out a unique skill set, a precise gift and poured it into the recipe of our being. Some people sing, but never two exactly alike. Some people paint, but never two exactly alike. Some people teach, but never two exactly alike. You and I are purposeful. EVERYONE has purpose in God’s kingdom. Without your specific note the symphony of service would not be complete (1 Corinthians 12:14). No one else has what you have to offer…your pinpoint purpose.
Personally, I get caught up in trying to make my purpose bigger and broader than it needs to be. Glancing around I feel surrounded by more talented, more creative, more ______ fill in the blank. Instead of looking in at the gifts I was given and up to the one who gave them to me I allow other people’s gifts to trip me up (2 Corinthians 4:18). As a result I fill my life and time with things that hinder my call instead of things that spur my call onward. I feel the need to do more than I’m called or gifted, or even worse do things like other people instead of like myself. Do you do that? Do you let yourself get so side tracked by others that you come to a standstill? Or do you take on so much that nothing gets done?
So how do we move forward? How do we be as specifically useful as a petticoat mirror?
Moving Forward With Pinpoint Purpose
- Look at your life. What are you good at? What do you passionately enjoy? What do you enjoy spending time doing? God created us to serve through our gifts and he placed the tools in us before we were born. Sometimes you just have to unearth them, or even re-discover them. Remember how specific and yet still purposeful the crimping iron is…don’t make this bigger than it needs to be. You have exactly what you need in you, measured out exactly by the hand of God (Romans 12:6).
- Cut out what’s holding you back. If something is holding you back, stealing your time or energy, throwing you off course, re-evaluate it’s purpose in your life. Obviously, the toddler you are nurturing isn’t going anywhere, but maybe the time you spend on Facebook should. Maybe it’s the class you keep saying you’re going to take, but haven’t. Take that class and cut out the excuse (Hebrews 12:1).
- Stop looking around. Run with blinders on. It’s scary. It’s vulnerable. It’s necessary if you want to move forward in serving with your gifts. If this wasn’t a necessary step, chances are you would already be doing whatever it is that’s on your mind right now. It doesn’t matter what so and so will think, or that you may fail, or that someone might do it better than you (Hebrews 10:35). What matters is that you unleash the gifts God gave you and you put them to work for the purpose of spreading the word of salvation.
- Pray. Sounds obvious, but it’s the best tool we have. Pray for wisdom on how to put your purpose to the pavement. God will provide opportunities to serve and share, especially if you are asking for them and looking for them. (Colossians 4:2)
- Wait expectantly. You’ve assessed, you’ve corrected, you’ve made the choice to live out your purpose and asked God to reveal specifics to you. Now be still and wait. Be on the lookout for opportunity (Psalm 5:3). You can see things coming a whole lot easier when you are looking for them!
- Stay on guard. When you make a move in the direction of kingdom work you can bet the devil’s eyes just cut a steely glance at you. Stay in the word and armored with truth so you will stand strong when the enemy comes prowling. Because he will. When he comes creeping remember step number one. God gave you the purpose and gift dwelling inside you and nothing can separate you from his love (Romans 8:39). Walk in confidence knowing God is for you and He is the one who sent the assignment you are on!
If we all walked with pinpoint purpose to move forward the message of Christ, what a glorious place this would be! That leads me back to the eyeglass holder. You just need a few items to recreate the eyeglass holder shared here today.
Small wooden tray or bowl
Wooden candlestick
I collected the small tray and candlestick at a garage sale for next to nothing. You likely won’t find exactly what I have, but you can easily find something similar that will work. Paint the pieces to unify them and to match your decor. Next use a heavy duty glue to bond the pieces together. This is such a simple project! I hope it holds a perfect purpose in your home and reminds you to walk with the pinpoint purpose only you posses! Would you mind sharing this somewhere that someone else searching for their purpose might find it, like Pinterest or Facebook? Thank you and blessings friend!
Very true! Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for coming over today and sharing your time with me 🙂
I enjoy reading your posts. I always think I am entering your blog to see what you have made this time but by the end of the post I am keenly aware that God has moved my eyes from the temporal to the eternal. Thank you for being a willing tool in the hand of our Master.
Thank you, I needed this encouragement. I always write these words as a lesson to myself and am somewhat shocked and excited when they speak to someone else!
God is good, indeed!
Whileilinger I couldn’t have said it any better than you did! Thanks for sharing your heart and journey with such transparency Kim!!! Love you dear friend!
Thank you friend
Thank you. May God be blessed and adored forever!
Your welcome and amen
This post is very timely for me, and just what I needed! Sometimes we try to make our focus to big when it all boils down to…”I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!”. Thank you for being a willing vessel!
I love God’s timing! Yes, it feels like we need to do BIG things but we just need to do what we are asked! no matter the size 🙂
Kim, I love how you wove all of this together! Your purposeful eyeglass holder is gorgeous right along with your photos.
The faith reminders are perfect too.
By the way, as time goes by you’ll need an eyeglass holder in every room and on every table. A girl can not have one pair of readers. 🙂
Sharing on Facebook.
lol – I know I already borrow my husbands! Luckily he keeps his cheaters in a different room than me and he has two pairs so I have more coverage!!! Thank you for sharing friend, it means the world!
Thank you. Just the encouragement I needed today.
SO so glad to help your day along.
My first post and I’m really encouraged! Thanks for sharing.
YAY! So happy you are here and encouraged
I loved the story that you shared. Thanks so much for the wonderful reminders that I have a specific purpose and not to compare myself with others. I love the words also. They look just like you typed them on an old-fashioned typewriter!
I really want an old typewriter, just haven’t found the right one yet 🙂 And yes…comparison is truly the thief of joy. Stinky comparison, I don’t love you!
So well worded, sweet friend!
I plan to use this posts with the college kids we are working with to remind them of what we are teaching/learning from the book, “Every Good Endeavor” by Tim Keller. Read it, sweets … It will resonate with you. Your post also reminds me of the verses in Proberbs 4:26-27 ????. Taking the “discovering your ministry” class at our church, has been a great addition to this arena of gifts and service as well. Finding what the Lord has wired you to do truly completes the Body of Christ! Go forth!
I will put that on my must read list! Thanks for sharing 🙂
What a wonderful post! Such a good lesson; thank you! And I love the tutorial for making the eyeglass holder–I’m constantly misplacing my reading glasses (and refuse to wear them on a chain around my neck).
Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I’m featuring you this week!
Thank you so much for the feature! I appreciate it! I am with you, no chain for me just yet 🙂
Love this. I have not transformed pieces in a couple of years since I started being a health coach, but you make me miss it. Love this piece.
when you get the bug you have to feed it! This is really a simple project to make on a weekend. Hope you come up with something fun! Let that creativity fly!
What an inspiring and uplifting post. Something so small as a ruffle maker but it had such a big impact on the way they dressed in that time period. Doesn’t matter how little or insignificant we feel we can make a big impact when we allow ourselves to be used of God. Goes to show, Little is much when God is in it! Thank you for inspiring us to find the purpose that lies with us.