My daughter is entering the tween years and she is falling in my footsteps. She loves movies, Fixer Upper (possibly more than I do), anything on the Food Network and often has her nose in the latest American Girl Magazine.
My e-mail inbox gave me a little gift when a note from Kelli, the editor of SHINE brightly Magazine, popped up. You see, it’s getting harder and harder to find material that is ok for my sweet girl to digest. TV is for the birds and even the cooking shows have a slew of inappropriate language. So when Kelli asked if I’d like to review the magazine and possibly give away a subscription to one of my readers I was on board. An opportunity for fun, pure entertainment is one I won’t pass up!
She sent me back issues of the two magazines they publish. Sparkle for girls age 6-9 and SHINE brightly for girls age 9-14.

Once they hit our doorstep I put them in the hot little hands of my in house tween then I quizzed her for an honest 11 year old review.
Here are the Q&As, unedited for the real deal answers…
1. What did you like about the magazine?
I liked how it included a little bit of everything but made it focus on god. Like how many set of the story’s I read over and over again but they talked about God. I also liked it when they told about fashion ideas. And I loved reading the Dear Annie parts because they relate to me.
2. Did you learn anything new?
I learned more about the bible when I was reading the true or false part and it said some things that I thought were true or fake and some that I thought was fake or true.
3. How did this magazine compare to other magazines you read?
I wish that this magazine had more quizzes like the other magazines I get every month. But I like how this talks about God.
4. Would you like to give it as a gift to your friends?
I think my friends would enjoy it because it has everything.
5. Would you like to receive it as a gift?
6. What was your favorite section?
The Dear Annie section
7. What would you like to see more of?
Quizzes and 1 or 2 more story’s
8. Anything else you want to share about the magazine? (good or bad)
I thought that the magazine had story’s that were probably a little long for kids to be interested I kinda got board by the end of some story’s. But I liked the dear Annie section.
Friends, I am convinced first that we still need some work on grammer, but most of all…these years are fleeting. My girl will continue to grow. She will continue to be impressed by whatever entertainment or social media gets to her the most. Any little thing I can do to help plant seeds of purity and a love for the Lord in her heart I am willing to do. I personally am thankful for people like Kelli and her magazines, Sparkle and SHINE that want to partner with me on this journey. Kelli said in her e-mail, “SHINE brightly and Sparkle are my passion. I have a strong desire to help bring girls into a more living, dynamic relationship with Jesus while teaching them what it means to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God (Micah 6:8) along the way. These magazines help to do just that.” I couldn’t have said it better myself!

I hope you’ll take a moment to check out their website and all the cool opportunities they have for the young lady in your life, including subscriptions to the magazines I showed here. One lucky reader will receive a one year subscription to the magazine of their choice! YAY! Simply enter to win in one of the ways listed below. The giveaway ends Saturday, May 28th, 2016 and I will be in contact with the winner! Please note, I was NOT compensated for this review, just given the magazines to review and a reader giveaway. These are our honest answers (as you will always find around here). Please share with anyone you think would love to hear about this fresh gift for the young girl in their life!
I would give this Magazine to my 8 year old great niece, who is so sweet and loves life…and tumbling, and…everything in life.
she would love you and it!
Done! I hope we win!! I love that you put the candid responses from your little gal. I can relate to her…who doesn’t love a good quiz?! Xoxo
Nothing better than a quiz for sure 😉
I have a sweet little friend at the Celebrate Recovery I attend. I know this would bless her life!
Thank you for such a nice giveaway opportunity! I really appreciate it. My daughter would just love it!
I love giveaways!!!!
I worry that children today are growing up too fast! I think this would be a perfect gift that I wouldn’t have to worry about being inappropriate!
I feel the same way. Too much Too soon. You should check out the magazine, it is good clean fun, so sorry you weren’t the winner today.
I would love to win a subscription to Shine for my cousin Shelby. She is a lovely 10 yr old who loves to read. So hard to find wholesome media and this magazine sounds perfect!
it’s SO hard! Hope this magazine will come in handy
My granddaughter would love this! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Sorry she wasn’t the lucky winner today…hopefully we can do another giveaway soon!
My two daughters ages 11 and 8 would love Shine! Thank you for the info!
Glad to share! I know they would enjoy it!
I’d give this to either Emersyn, my oldest daughter who is about to turn 6 or my best-friends girl who will be nine in 3 days. Love this so much – great find and thanks for sharing, Kim!
Hey Katy, so sad you guys didn’t get the free subscription, but I highly recommend it as a gift! Hopefully next time!
I would give this to our 6 yr old granddaughter, Nola Averyl❤️. Thanks for sharing!
I bet she would love it, so sorry the winner was announced, but maybe it would make a good Christmas gift!
I would love to give this to my 10 year old soon to be 11 year old daughter. We struggle with the worldly stuff and Godly stuff all the time. this would be a great tool to back up ole Mom! 🙂
We need all the help we can get! It’s a cute magazine
My girls would love these magazines! Thanks Kim!
YOU WON!!! Congratulations! E-mail me your address so I can get it to the magazine stat! Let me know what you think about it!
Holden would love this!
I bet she would!