If you have been following along I told you last week that I have felt a tug to see the unseen this holiday season. To stop and look around for those that go overlooked. Maybe you feel the same way too? If so I have something just for you!
When thinking on what I could do to spread some love I thought of the free printable scripture cards I give away so often here. (Like when you sign up on the e-mail list.) We use these cards to help us memorize one verse a month at our house. They are perfect to giveaway this Christmas season, or in July if you feel lead! I wanted to share some specific verses that speak to someone who may not know God, who may feel overlooked or unnoticed. I want them to know they are seen. God sees everybody and everything. If you look around you will see him in the tiniest details of your day. It always amazes me.When discussing this heart burden with some friends one mentioned calling people by their name. Specifically calling someone by their name is so personal and intentional! So I added a layer to the cards. A cover card that could be given away as is, but is so much more impactful when you stop and ask someone their name, then write it across the card set before you give it to them.
Can I challenge you? I challenge you to print FIVE sets of cards and look for the unseen. I’m not talking about your neighbor or friend, even though these would be perfect gifts for them. I am talking about the lady who takes your dry cleaning or the homeless person on a park bench, motorcycle police braving the cold for our safety or the check out person in the grocery store. Take a minute and ask their name, write it down and bless their day. Just think if we all did that times five! God’s word has the power to do things we can’t imagine.

As I was driving this week my son was in the back seat with a friend and I overheard him tell his buddy, “look around for people in need.” My heart swelled at the fact that his eyes are open. He has personally identified people and handed out these cards, being rewarded himself enough to want to share this joy with a friend. What struck me most is he will likely only look for people as long as the bag on my front seat is full. He thinks we have something to offer in that bag of goodies and doesn’t fully recognize the gift he has inside to giveaway ALL the time. The true lesson is we always have something to give and always should have eyes to see the unseen. These cards will get us started and maybe I’ll have to keep printing them until the habit is a way of life for us all.
So please print five or fifty and give them away as you feel lead. God’s word never returns void! Will you come back and let me know how it goes? I would love to hear your stories please!
I only wish I had a printer. God Bless you and your family. Have a merry, blessed Christmas.
Thank you, you could always save on a jump drive and take to a local printer if you want, just an idea! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I love this idea! It was so convicting to me! Thank you for the challenge!
good, I hope you enjoy gifting these! It is challenging to step out of your comfort zone…at least it is for me 🙂
This couldn’t have came at a better time. I asked my friends to pray for me throughout this year as I was treated for breast cancer. We don’t see each other during the year cause everyone has moved away but we are getting together this weekend. I printed extra to give the lawn guy I never see and still mowed my lawn when I didn’t have money. Maybe the mail person that I see but don’t see late at night. Now if I can just print them correctly!! : )
Prayers for a full and speedy recovery Connie. I am so glad you can use these to bless your friends! I promise once you start looking around you will find loads of people to gift these to! Have a wonderful time with your friends!
This is a great idea! Downloaded and ready to get this going. Thanks for your heart!
Super! Have fun and blessings to those who receive God’s word!
I love this idea, especially the “God sees you” part! I don’t observe christmas, but I can do them for Thanksgiving…or just because. I may even get some of the ladies at our church involved too. ????????????
yes – they are great to hand out all year round!!!
I make “Pick Your Blessing” vases and hand write scriptures , type them and cut them out and place them in a pretty vase tied with a ribbon with a sign “Pick Your Blessing”, I placed one at my daughter’s Hospital Nurse’s break room and she sends me pictures of the blessings that have been taped to a nurse’s locker, or on the desk, etc.
what a beautiful idea! I love it
HI Kim I am trying to download and print the blessing cards but it isn’t working. Please let me know what I need to do.
Thanks much
Sandy. Floyd
HI Sandy – so ssorry you are having problems, not sure what to tell you can you give me more specifics? thanks, kim
Thank you for sharing.
of course, thank you for being here
I absolutely love this idea! Last Xmas I made mini gifts and tags and put them under a Kmart wishing tree. I will never know who got them but I loved doing it. Can you tell me please a simple way I could hang different size artwork I have made? We have an old Victorian style house and my husband has to drill into the wall to put items up but I do not know how to do it and the house is a very old farmhouse. Is there other ways I could hang them carefully? My artwork is different sizes too. God Bless
What a sweet gift! You can look at this post for some ways to hang different items, but command steps might be a good solution for you…Your Ultimate Guide on How To Hang Decor Items