I’m back with a fun Halloween mantel using newspaper decor ideas! I’ve had such a blast making the bad headlines spooky in a good way this year. Here are three fun ways to use newspaper for fun neutral Halloween decorations.

Last year I had to turn the TV, especially the news, OFF. I just couldn’t take it anymore. My life felt overwhelming…pending divorce, COVID, elections, it was just too much. Some may say it’s not good to stick your head in the sand, but I say your mental health is more important. All that to say, I rarely if ever read the newspaper anymore. I have to filter what I let get to me. Maybe you feel the same? I can say it has helped me tremendously to step away and only check-in versus consuming the news daily. Either way, these fun ideas are perfect to avoid the news or recycle it – whichever you choose!
Newspaper Pumpkin
- I actually made this craft for the first time years ago, and those original pumpkins are still going strong! You can get the cheap and ugly Styrofoam pumpkins from Dollar Tree. Here is how I used them a few years back.
- Tear or cut newspaper into 1 inch strips.
- Remove the pumpkin stem.
- Paint Mod Podge on your styrofoam pumpkin with a sponge brush. Go in small sections.
- Press the newspaper onto the Mod Podge. Layer pieces until the entire pumpkin in covered.
- Paint the outside of the newspaper pumpkin with Mod Podge. It helps to use your fingers and press the newspaper into the creases. It’s messy but it works!
- Once your pumpkin is dry poke a hole in the top with scissors and use a stick as a new stem.
- If you want to add tendrils use green jute twin and wrap it around a milkshake straw or pencil (straw works better). Coat it with Mod Podge and allow it to dry. You’ll have precious, curly tendrils to add to your pumpkin!
Newspaper Web
- Much like a winter snowflake this craft takes a few good folds of paper and you have yourself an awesome spider web in no time! The video is much easier to follow along with than words, but I’m going to try here!
- Start with a square of newspaper, a little larger than you’d like your web to be.
- Fold it in half, like a triangle.
- Fold it in half like a triangle again.
- Fold it in half like a triangle again.
- Fold the long edge of the triangle down to meet the other long edge of the triangle.
- Draw you spider web on the newspaper wedge.
- The top with be a curve shape from corner to edge.
- Each “slice” you draw next will not go completely to the folded edge.
- Cut away the slices.
- Unfold and you have a beautiful newspaper spider web to decorate with!
- To attach mine to the large picture frame I cut small strips of newspaper and hot glued them to the edges of the web. I used those long pieces to attach the web to the frame.
Newspaper Witch’s Broom
- This last Halloween craft was so fun to make. I really love how it turned out! You’ll need to find an awesome stick for the broom! You could use a dowel rod if need, but I love the natural feel of a real stick/branch.
- Cut your newspaper pages in half and stack them.
- Cut one inch wide strips into the top of the pages, cutting down about three inches.
- From the bottom cut long one inch strips, but leave a few inches of intact newspaper between the top and bottom cuts.
- Lay the broom on top of the newspaper and with a hot glue gun start wrapping the first layer of newspaper around the broom, gluing as you go. Continue wrapping each new page of paper until you get the broom as full as desired.
- Tie jute string around the uncut portion of the newspaper, tight. Continue to wrap the jute string around the broom until thick, then tie it off.
- BOOM – Broom!
The best part is taking all your new newspaper Halloween decor and working it in with your old stuff. I love to mix in vintage items and some traditional things. For the mantel I used a large picture frame backed with an old sheet. This year I invested in some larger faux white pumpkins because I’ve really been wanting them. I know I will use them for years to come, so I am excited about this purchase. I simply mixed in all the white pumpkins I have in my stash with a few strands of bead garland. I am loving this black and white newspaper theme going on here. I hope you got some fun ideas to take and make your own. I know your budget will be happy instead of scared this year!
Super cute!
so glad you like it!