Flip through March with me! I am obsessed with my junk journal calendar. I’ve been working with this calendar format for the past 8 months and every month it brings me more joy.

If it seems overwhelming, let me assure you it is not. I have a course on how to put this calendar together including all the digital downloads and resources you need to make it work for you. The pages are un-numbered so you can use them over and over, year after year.

Start anytime! Seriously – I began my journey in August!

I’ve found this calendar journal as a beautiful accountability partner to my creativity. Forcing me to look deeply at the month ahead, lean into my hopes and expectations for pending events and tasks.

Every day I open up this book and smile. Genuinely. It feels like me, not store bought, mass produced or settled on. Pure Kim.

Plus, I love the scripture and motivational phrases I tuck into my planner that wouldn’t come with a store bought version!

Try is as a continual work of art, scrapbook, day planner, reminder, creativity motivator and style guide – it really is all that and more rolled into one!

Plus, I pray over each month. When I look back at the previous month I am able to see how god has moved and give thanks, or pray more.

Grab your Junk Journal Calendar Here!

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