Y’all – this is the sweetest little dollar store craft to serve as a faithful reminder or inspiring gift. Most of us have heard of Mustard Seed faith and now you can download a free printable to make a cute little encouraging craft.

When I saw these little glass craft jars at the 99 Cent Only Store for $1 I instantly knew I wanted to make some Mustard Seed faith reminders. I have a necklace that a friend gave me with a mustard seed in a small glass jar and I love the simplicity and meaning it holds. This craft is the same! Plus it’s an inexpensive craft anyone can do. I’m even going to give you the scripture printable for free so you can create your very own!

I will give you the details of how to make these little faith bottles, but first I want to share what happened as I made them! I finished putting a few bottles together and was taking one to display in my house when I dropped it on the hard tile floor. Of course the glass shattered and I quickly went to sweeping up the mess. As I brushed the shards of glass into the dustpan I noticed the mustard seed was no where to be found. Scanning the ground and sliding the broom under the fridge, no mustard seed appeared. Isn’t that just like our faith. So often it seems to disappear when life shatters. When the going gets tough, or perhaps when things are going really well, that tiny little seed of faith rolls out of sight. Maybe we doubt that God really cares or that He is big enough to handle the mess at hand. I know I’m guilty of taking the wheel when things are going good and leaving my seed of faith in the dust, working in my own strength, will and ways. But the little seed is never gone. It didn’t just evaporate or spontaneously combust on my kitchen floor. It simply rolled out of sight for a while.

Eventually it will be vacuumed up or the dog will scavenge it off the floor, but it’s not gone, just hidden for a while. Maybe you need to dust under your fridge friend and pull out that tiny seed of faith and put it to work, pray for it to grow. I have just the place for you to rekindle the spark of faith in your heart! Read the scripture verses on the free printable and see how they intertwine, look the scriptures up in your Bible and read the context around them. NOTHING will get you back in line, eye to eye with God more than reading His word. Let it encourage you like nothing else can. Then create this simple mustard seed craft and place it somewhere you see it often. Next make some for friends or family that could use some faith fire, mail it to them or give it over a coffee date. You never really know what the little seeds you plant can do! Now here are some tips for you to make one:
BTW – if you are looking for additional inspiration, scripture journal or scripture artwork for your home, I’ve got you covered here!
How to make a mustard seed faith bottle:
If you aren’t lucky enough to have a great dollar store nearby you can order small glass craft jars here. (affiliate link) You can find them in a few different sizes, the prints I made will fit in most mini jars.

Download and print the free sheet of mustard seed and mustard seed inspired verses then cut them up. I used a pencil to gently wrap the paper around so it softly curved and slipped into the bottle easily. Add one mustard seed and close. You might want to seal the bottle with a clear adhesive like Gorilla Glue clear. Finish it off with a cute ribbon or twine. You can also use jewelry wire to wrap around and make a necklace or hanging loop like the picture. Perfect for someone going through cancer treatments, a difficult time or even as a reminder where the good gifts come from! I’d be so grateful if you’d take a minute to Pin this on Pinterest so others can find and enjoy it too.

I just found your site today. I love your eloquent story about the mustard seed. I can so relate… I love this project as well and I can’t wait to make a few as gifts. Thank you.
welcome Lisa – so happy you landed here, hope you stay inspired! These are so easy and fun to give away.
I just wanted to thank you for this! My pastor likes to remind us of this quite a bit. He says he is reminding himself as well. I am going online right now and looking for the bottles. ????
you will love making and giving them! Enjoy
Thank you, not only for the great craft idea, but for reminding me that my faith hasn’t disappeared, I’m just overwhelmed right now. And God is here in the midst of the mess, He never left…my faith just rolled under the fridge for a bit.
I appreciate your insight, and absolutely love your decor ideas!
He is there and mess is ok! We ALL get in one time and again! You will find it again and it will be stronger each time.
Good Afternoon, Kim! I just wanted you to know I made about 40 of these little cuties up for my Soon-To-Be-Bible 101 class that I will teach mid-year. I got the bottles online and they were super cheap!
I think my ladies will love them. Thank you for such a great idea! I need to let you know that I also wrote a note that I will give them with these little darlings. It explains where I got the idea and a little bit about your story of your faith in making them. I’m so excited!
I LOVE this so much! They are great to make for a large group and I know they will love them. Thanks for passing on the word too, I appreciate you so much!!!
I’ve always loved the little mustard seeds. Years ago, everybody had a necklace with one enclosed in glass. Thanks for the download. I have a question about the display beside it (on top of books). Is there a story with that? I’m new so could have missed it.
you are so welcome and I have a necklace like that! No story on the candlestick, just another vintage goodie I love! welcome!!!
Thanks for your response. My reason for asking…I have a bowl with the base almost identical including the crystals and thought you may have refurbished it. I’ll be getting some of the little jars tomorrow for your project. Can’t wait!
Oh, maybe I can use this for all my Cracker Barrel syrup bottles that I have been collecting! But I don’t save the lids– I wonder if I can find little corks or other cute stoppers somewhere….
Liberty @ B4andAfters.com
Thanks for the idea about the CB syrup jars. I have 2 now.
Christ said: “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17:20).
This is a favorite verse from the Bible. Have faith!
It’s a great one!
Hola Kim. Me encantó ! Por favor, cuál es el tamaño de las botellitas?
Saludos desde Lima, Perú.
I Love this idea! it is simple to do and simply wonderful!
Thank you so much for the printable.
you are more than welcome – enjoy!
I love this idea wish I had a printer so could do this prodject
Thankyou for sharing this I made small bibles put them in the small glass bottles and crosses bits off scriputure I also made them as my wedding favours the guests loved them I do alot off crafts that God places on my heart at Christmas time exchange them for a gift this year it was doing canvases tins using coffee jars crafting them thankyou
I love this so much!!!!
I made this for our Mother/Daughter Banquet at our Church. Everyone loved them. I put them in a little plastic bag, so they wouldn’t roll off the table n crash into little pieces. Then I put some candy in a silk bag n tied the mustard seed bag with the ribbon of the silk bag. For our devotion I read the parable of the Mustard seed.
I’d love to have a template with just the Matthew 17:20 verse. Would it be possible to get a printable with just that verse?
I only have the one! hope it works!