If you’ve been here a hot second you know I’m a massive animal lover. I have more pets than the average person and probably more than I should. I can’t help myself I’ve always loved animals. You’ve probably met Boo, my fluffy white and black cat. He’s quite the diva and somewhat of a camera hog. He ends up in lots of photoshoots for the blog, posing like I paid him.
He’s quite the typical cat in the fact that he snuggles when he wants to but casually ignores us when he’s not in the mood. Often when we’re sitting together Boo reminds me of so many different things that I thought I would share with you today. If you learn lessons from your animals, I’d love to hear them in the comments. Surely I’m not the only crazy animal lover in the crowd!?
- Boo is a pound kitty. Possibly one of the greatest finds ever to come from a pound in my opinion. Most people are floored that a cat this beautiful came from the local shelter. He’s a great reminder that the cast offs and unwanteds have so much value and purpose when they’re given an opportunity.
I always think pound animals know they were rescued and saved and somehow have a more grateful heart. It’s exactly how I feel. When you’ve been redeemed, when you’ve been saved and you’re well aware of the alternative, thankfulness and grace come so much louder. It’s important to remember about yourself and even more important to see in others. Sometimes people just need a chance at redemption. You never know their back story.
- Boo frequently insists to rest in my lap. He does this with loud meows and strong nose nudges. Sometimes he wants me to pet him but most of the time he just wants to snuggle. And I’m reminded that the people I love most probably want more of that too. Just to sit, just to be together, no bells or whistles, no adventures or hoops to jump through, just sweet time snuggling and loving each other’s presence. I will fully admit in this busy world I don’t do this enough with the ones that I love and Boo is the one who convicts me of this weekly if not daily. He calls out the Martha in me and begs for the Mary to come out and sit still.
- Boo is demanding. Not really in a bad way but he certainly isn’t shy about letting me know what he needs. Trust me, if he can see the bottom of his food bowl, we all hear about it. Sometimes isn’t that what we all need to do? Be more vocal about the things we need from one another instead of holding it in or waiting for someone to guess what we’re thinking.
Because the truth is, I want to be a good cat mom and give Boo what he needs and it’s a much easier job when he tells me exactly what that is. And while sometimes those needy conversations and relationships might be hard, they’re better. It’s better to know how to serve one another than for needs to go unsaid and unmet because we’re scared to cry out for help or attention or snuggles.😹 If a cat can do it, surely I can too.
- If cats are good at anything they’re good at rest. 😴 Boo has never met a nap he didn’t love. I think if he wrote a resume he would definitely put napping as one of his strong suits. It’s a quality he excels in. And while that can be construed as lazy and some days I definitely call him lazy, napping and resting is so necessary.
Sometimes we need to be like a cat and give in to our demanding bodies. We need to give ourselves permission to let our bodies and our minds and our souls and our hearts just rest…like a cat. There will still be mice to chase and food to eat in an hour, or seven. 🤣
- Another thing that Boo is amazing at is making himself at home wherever he lands. It’s kind of a great quality and one I admire. Sometimes he lands in places I would prefer he didn’t, but at the end of the day he reminds me he is more important than my things. And all relations are more important than things.
He doesn’t sit back and wait for an invitation, he jumps right in. Sure he jumps in my doll house and rearranges the furniture to make it his cozy nap spot – but I don’t care. I’d rather have him in my life happy, well rested, fun and snuggly than a dollhouse that looks picture perfect all the time.
Sometimes we have to rearrange our ideas to allow for the people and things we love. We have to make room because they’re way more important. We can’t always wait to be included in the spots we want, sometimes we have to forgo the invite and just show up. A little cat hair on a couch, a little clawing somewhere I wish it wasn’t, a sudden cat nap in my lap when I’m busy – they’re all an easy trade-off for the love that this fuzzball gives me. And it helps me to remember that sometimes relationships are hard and they scratch and they’re fuzzy but they’re so worth it.
Tell me what kind of insight you get from watching your pets or the bird of the sky. God’s lessons are everywhere if we look for them!
After sweeping up the kitchen I had a plethora of oddball items in my dust pile……animal hair, cat treats/dry food, dirt and assorted pasta. Before I could get it swept up my cat, Navi, was having a feast on the nasty little treats among the dirt. “You silly girl”, I began, “you have a whole, clean, bowl of food and treats”. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, ” how often do I offer you the best I have, but you insist on digging through the dirt pile for the scraps?” I was wholly convicted that, indeed I do, wallow in the leftovers. God provides fresh, new grace and mercy everyday, every hour, every minute. All I need to do is realize I am a daughter of the King and he provides all I could ever need.
Amen and what a sweet story and whisper from the Lord. He is so good to use. thank you SO MUCH for sharing this! He is speaking all the time, we only need to stop and listen. I am so guilty of not listening.
You are so right about rescue animals being especially grateful for a loving furever home. I think God gives us these beautiful creatures to teach us about Him and ourselves! I think another quality they possess is being able to live in the moment and be happy about it. They don’t worry about the past or the future but wholly enjoy the moment they are in. A good lesson for us all, to enjoy the journey. Thanks for giving us insights via Boo; I do hope he didn’t mess up your puzzle pieces sorting!
that is such a great point! they don’t worry about their next meal or tomorrow….
PRICELESS!! The last picture of Boo with the Bible and a cup of coffee is the recipe for starting each day. This is where I meet my Lord each morning before breakfast. My kitties are no longer with me, but my old dog Koko is always beside me during this time. Koko was an abused recue. It took a lot of patience, but what a great friend she became. She is such comfort to me now that my husband is no longer here.
One of the first phrases Koko learned was, “Let’s go talk to Jesus.” She soon learned this is a quiet time and she needed to just lie beside us as we did our morning devotions with a good cup of coffee.
Love to you always, Donna Marsh
what a sweet pup and prayer partner you have!!! They are such a perfect companion! so glad you have Koko
So thankful for you and your sharing this sweet post. Rescue animals are all we have ever had and are such a treasured blessing.
I miss Round Top and hanging with you. 😉
they are the best and i hope you are well sweet friend! we had so much fun xoxo
Loved this article Kim. So true that God’s voice is everywhere speaking to us. If we just have the childlike wonder to hear, see it. We have 3 kittoes and love them very much too. Thanks to the wonderful responses of how each of you have rescued pets. I love animals!
thank you Samantha and yes HE IS EVERYWHERE!
Wow these thoughts are deep and thought provoking! With three felines and their different personalities life is interesting in our home. They understand things. When I am not feeling well they always show up to snuggle. They are the best nurses when you get a knee replacement. Thanks for putting all these thoughts into words for encouragement to others. Dawn XO
Thank you! This spoke to me on so many was… all we want is unconditional love, we want to be understood but how can we if we are not open to sharing our thoughts … I’m guilty of not sharing my feelings for fear of hurting someone else… so I often feel misunderstood or not heard at all..
But Gods love is unconditional and he wants us to feel loved and appreciated and understood. So I pray God would help me walk boldly into this day, help me help others to feel loved, appreciated and understood
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