Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
Just a little thought for the day. When I reach for my phone it is a good time to mentally recall the picture above. It is also a time to think on Jeremiah 33:3. Sometimes God helps me out when my desire is to call a friend for advice or to rant and rave about whatever has me in a knot. He helps me by an unanswered call. Then I can stop and process. Then I can make the right and rational choice to call on Him. The thing is, when you call on God, he always answers. In a world where you can Google anything, he also promises to teach us things you can’t Google. They are unsearchable truths. Things that no friend, book or internet search can produce an answer equal to. Wisdom only Christ can provide. Now I believe we are given friends, family, books and resources to walk through life with, no doubt about it. God just wants to be our first line of defense. He wants us to come to him first and foremost. The more we share with him the more we know his voice, the more we learn, the less we gossip, the less we share information we shouldn’t, the less we let other’s influence our choices. So the next time you are busting at the seams…stop and call on the one who always answers.
Love this reminder! I have really prayed over this for the last few months.
I know without a doubt God has placed you in my life for a reason. You are pouring in to me! Thank you!!!