Music just makes life more enjoyable, and you could never convince me otherwise. Whether you’re having guests over for dinner, doing a little work, cooking (especially cooking), driving, or even chores, it’s ALWAYS the right time for music! I will say though, the type of music I turn on definitely does depend on the task. For example, Brothers Osborne on full-blast may not be the right move for your fancy dinner party, but you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll be jamming out to the that in the school pickup line! You know, there’s a time and place for all of it– but I do think we often forget it doesn’t have to be a special occasion to turn on the tunes. Keep the cozy vibes flowing while you clean your bathroom, there are no rules here!
To take some of the guesswork out for you, I’ve rounded up some of the BEST background music to have on, whatever the occasion!
My Favorite Stations On iTunes:
My Favorite Stations On Pandora:
Again, keep in mind this MAY not be the kind of music you want to jam to in your car alone (or it could be, I don’t judge), because for me personally– that is zone-out time. I want to turn on comfort tunes and sing my heart out. Maybe I can round up a playlist of those kind of songs sometime in the future, but for now, we’ll stick to the playlists that give your home a comfy, inviting, warm feeling– whether for your gloomy Sunday afternoon chores or your fancy dinner party. These playlist make even the most boring or tedious task better. Make sure you turn on some tunes and turn on the joy in your home – I promise it will completely change the mood and your outlook! Enjoy!
I love, love some Van Morrison.
the BEST!