Quality over quantity.
This is a hard phrase for me.
I like stuff.
I like to have a lot of friends.
Three shirts on sale are better than one at full price.
It’s hard to say no when asked to participate in something good.
A million followers sounds better than one.
This January I felt the deep need to take a step back and rest in the quiet for a month or so. To just listen to what God had for me. It was clear I was in need of a re-alignment. It’s not that I was far off track, but the hamster wheel was spinning faster than I could keep up and stay fresh. Priorities had shifted, focus had shifted and my purpose felt muddy. God rewarded this quiet time with three words to re-focus me. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.
These words seemed to be given in respect to this blog, but as I chewed on the phrase I realized they are about everything.
Quantity, at least for me, starts to bring separation. Separation from Christ.
I remember the first time I read the account of King David calling for a census to be taken of his people. A census seems harmless, and they are…when the motive is pure. David’s motive was self serving pride. He wanted to sit back and see a concrete number that would define his power. Note his being David’s power, not God’s. There in lies the problem. In fact we are told in 1st Chronicles that it was Satan himself that tempted David to take the census and David took the bait. Against wise counsel. He flexed his power and moved into sin.

Love this post, Kim!
This resounds with my heart today!
Like this quote, “The quality of God’s love is never a numbers game.” I’m so grateful!
Sharing your post today.
Hope you have a blessed Monday~
thank you Melanie – I always appreciate the sharing, but am more grateful the message was meaningful to you!
Just what I needed today. Great Message.
grateful heart right here. blessings
Thank you for writing this message today . I feel sure that it spoke to many as it spoke to me.
You are blessed with a wonderful talent for decorating and sharing with all your readers and now He has given you a blog to share His word.
No small blog! !
Thanks again
Thank you – I am more than blessed this message spoke to you. I was feeling very unsure of it, so it is nice to know it resonated with you! Thanks for reaching out, I sincerely appreciate it!
Yes, yes, YES!!! To everything! Great post!
Thank you for the encouragement not to compare myself and truly be thankful for what I have and have been blessed with by the Lord. My 3 siblings, who I dearly love, are all married and have nicer things than I have and seem not to struggle financially. I am divorced and often times live paycheck to paycheck. Lately, I have been in a spiritual warfare not to compare myself to my siblings’ lifestyles. I need to continually remember to be content with everything that I have because the Lord has blessed me in so many, many ways such as having 4 wonderful, grown children, 6 precious grandchildren, many friends and very little debt.
One of the best things I have heard lately and am constantly repeating to myself is, “if you don’t have it right now then you don’t need it right now” God is our supplier and if we are supposed to have more of anything…money, relationships, material things he will provide them, if not we are right where He wants us to be for the moment, It has really helped me let some things go. It’s a hard battle though! You sound abundantly blessed and close to Him, right where you should be!