Learn how to make beautiful salt shaker tassels using collected salt shakers.
Being on the hunt for antiques or junk is always more fun when you collect something or are searching for a particular item. One thing my mom and I have kept our eyes peeled for over the years is salt and pepper shakers.
It started long ago when my mom’s best friend, Mandy, shared a special craft with her. Mandy has amazingly talented sisters. They would spend sister weekends designing and dishing together.
This project comes straight from those snazzy sisters. ( thanks Tammy) The idea was contagious and now my mom shares this craft with my daughter.
They hunt together for the perfect shakers and then spend girl time together transforming their finds into glorious décor. My house is sprinkled with these gorgeous baubles.
When holidays roll around, out come even more. Salt and pepper shakers recycled into decorative tassels. Seriously…how fab are these???
Can I tell you a secret? They are super simple to create.
First is the fun part. You have to hunt for supplies. Do you have your grandmother’s old shakers? Do you collect something special? Want to decorate for an upcoming holiday?
Don’t have any? Even better, you get to go hunting! You can find shakers of any kind…vintage, animals, states, china, any shape, color or size can work. It’s all a matter of preference.
Next gather assorted yarn, twine and ribbon. You want to get a good variety of textures, thickness and color. Draw from the colors in the shaker you choose and tie it into the colors of the space you will be displaying your creation.
You will also need assorted beads. Again – different size, shapes, color and textures are needed. Here is a step by step guide to gorgeous:

Gather yarn to coordinate with your shaker. Different textures, sizes and colors work well. You can also do a single color like the bird tassel shown above.

Wrap your yarn around a piece of cardboard for uniform length. Use different size boards to scale with the size of your shaker. The picture below is good for size refence.

Gently tie wire around the top of the yarn bunch. You need enough wire length to string through the shaker as well as add decorative beads on and form a holding loop for display.

Pick one ribbon or more and weave it back and forth, then push the wire from the top of your yarn bunch through the ribbon.

Every once and a while the shaker’s openings are on the side or in an odd place. You can drill a new hole to thread through. Use a drill bit specifically made for glass and be very careful. Please note you can break the shaker, so use caution. You can also drill holes in figurines if you want to use one instead of a shaker.

Now bead! Use a variety of shapes and sizes, separating larger beads with a small bead tends to look better.

Twist the wire to secure beads and form a loop. You will then sting a small ribbon through this loop to use as a hanger for your new tassel.
Theses tassels are beautiful, fun ways to show off your personality, loves and interests in your home. They make sweet personalized gifts too. (Mother’s Day alert) How do you display your amazing new craft? Lots of ways!
On a lamp. Over a candlestick. Cabinet door or china hutch knobs. Dangling over a book. Layered over anything. (see pictures below)
Salt shakers can stand for such a strong visual reminder of who we are called to be as Christians.
The bible refers to salt numerous times calling on it’s penetrating and preserving nature. Salt is such an easy analogy because we all have experience with it, know what it is and know how it works. Matthew 5:13 says, “you are the salt of the earth.”
What an opportunity and privilege we have! Think about it – salt can make or break a dish. It can have you begging for more or saying “never again.” Mind blowing that something so small has so much power. We do too.
We are called to be salt for Christ. To sprinkle his truth, love and word throughout our world in an effort to draw others to him.
It’s a delicate balance of too much, which can turn people off or none at all which doesn’t help anyone. In fact Luke 14:34 goes on to say that salt if loses it’s taste – meaning it doesn’t do it’s job anymore. “it is neither fit for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out.” yikes.
Our salvation is not about works. It 100% solely rests on us accepting Jesus as our savior. But then what? Our works, our salt, has the ability to either heap us somewhere worse than the manure pile or be a conduit to someone else’s salvation.
I say use me all day long over something worse than a steaming stinky poo pile.
But how do we salt things gracefully? This is what I love about the salt shaker tassel…the salt shaker comes empty. It can’t season anything on it’s own. Then, once filled, it can only season with what is inside of it.
If we come to Christ empty and ask him to fill us up he will put just the right amount of salt in us. He will tell us where to season, when and how much. If we choose to fill ourselves with other things then there is no room for Christ.
When you taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8) you can’t help but want to share that joy with others.
We have to remember that we aren’t the one doing the seasoning, the one on the inside is. Only Christ can offer salvation, not us. We are merely a tool for God to use. An empty shaker.
I don’t know about you, but that really takes the pressure off. It’s not up to me to save people. That’s God’s job. I am merely called to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all.
So when you see these bright shiny salt shakers tassels laced throughout your home, remember to empty yourself, ask God to fill you and go be the salt of the earth.
Matthew 5:13, Mark 9:50

Total sidebar – but do you remember Winn’s? I think it was also Wacker’s at one point. My mom has some old stuff in her crafting stash. She may or may not be a pack rat. Just sayin’.
I have just the right shakers…..my G’father gave them to my Mum for her 16th b’day:) …..they are brightly colored kookaburra’s…..thanks for the inspiration and the inspirational message too!
how fun!!! I want to see them! let me know how they turn out!
Kim, you are speaking my language! Tassels are very in right now- we saw them EVERYWHERE in Paris. I’m still kicking myself for not buying one of my favorites I saw… but now I can make my own! (My mom and I love to craft together and this is one she is going to LOVE!)
Oh lala…so glad to know id be chic in paris! Thats so fun…jealous of your trip!!!
I love this! I think this would be perfect for Holden and I to do together this summer! I absolutely love how you can weave a story with inspiration! Keep it up!
it is a GREAT summer project! Go shop for supplies then spend a rainy afternoon together!
I have always wanted to make these and you sure make it look simple! Thanks.
Thanks! They are really easy to make. Collecting all the parts and pieces takes longer than putting one together!
Very creative and sweet. Loved seeing these!
Thank you so much! I love them too 🙂
So Beautiful
thank you!
I really LOVE THIS SOO much! And I love your connection to Jesus and salt and your missionary zeal. I have a Tabasco pepper shaker my Mom gave me. (Well she gave me a pair, but stuff gets broken sometimes ;( ) I have already looked at it and the holes will be off center. I can get some tiny wire and create a little centered brackety thing, cover it with a bead. I do love tassels, so this will be great for the dining room hutch. The Nester blog actually has an ebook about making tassels if anyone wants more direction and inspiration. I bought it and and never made anything, yet. This is just a stellar idea, you could go crazy for Christmas tree ornaments.
Is it ok to pin some these images? I don’t see a pin button. Thanks.
Hi…im so glad you like this idea. I think the tabasco will be precious. It’s a great project for a shaker with no mate 🙂 please pin away…if you hover over each picture there should be buttons to choose from in the top left corner of the pic. Thank you for the love and encouragement!!!!
What a precious idea! And I love the pic of Dede with her smokin gun!
Thanks Amy – she is an original crafter for sure!
I’m going to try this!Thank You for passing on something special in your family to all of us.
yay – hope you love them like we do, have fun!
let me see them when you are done!
Oh how fun! What a cute way to reuse old salt & pepper shakers! Their adorable!
Thanks linda! It’s a fun project
Love this way to use salt & pepper shakers, especially singles. The color combinations are endless. And a shaker-turned-tassel would pair nicely with its mate or a coordinating shaker turned miniature flower/bud vase (crystal-looking ones are particularly elegant and so eye-catching on a desk or window sill). However, much more important than the craft aspect is the spiritual association you’ve made. How could one help but be inspired each time you look at the tassel?!
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 Living Bible (TLB)
“And you must think constantly about these commandments I am giving you today. You must teach them to your children and talk about them when you are at home or out for a walk; at bedtime and the first thing in the morning. Tie them on your finger, wear them on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house!”
Surely a salt-of-the-earth tassel can echo the message and implement from a doorknob or lampshade the spirit of these instructions.
I love to have hidden meaning in things around my home, even if I am the only one they speak to!!!
this is a wonderfull idea! Thank you Kim! I´ve these ´Washington State´ salt and pepper shakers from my husbands relatives. They moved from the Netherlands to the USA in the 50´ties. And the shakers are collecting dust in a cupboard, because we don´t use salt…..Now I can make them ´new´ again!! Such a lovely project. Groetjes, Francisca
I love any reason to pull heirlooms out of hiding! Hope you enjoy your treasures!
This is my first time on your site and I absolutely love it. Reading about the salt shakers has made my day. You really have no idea how bad I needed that message today. Your site has been a blessing to me.
I am so glad you are here. God always has a way to leading us to his encouragement and I am so happy to be a part of yours!
Oh I love this Idea and will be trying this in the future!!!
Please do – you will love the results
What a great idea, especially for sentimental value. I have saved singles. Now I know what I can do with them! Thanks Kim.
These are adorable. Thank you for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Always xoxo
So beautiful! I’m gonna need a video tutorial you got one? Thank you sharing !
I don’t have a video, but will add it to the must do list for sure!
Hi Kim, your shaker tassels are so cute. I love how you compared salt in the shaker to God’s word and how we’re supposed to be the salt of the earth. I am the lead admin in a women’s ministry group on Facebook. Would you mind me sharing your story in my group and showing the ladies how to make one of your lovely tassels? I’m excited to make one. There are so many adorable salt shakers available today.
Hi Jessica – I am so glad you enjoyed this! Please feel free to share, of course I’d love it if you would refer them to the blog. I also have a lovely online community called paper & a prayer they might be interested in, feel free to share that as well please, and thank you! https://courses.salvagedliving.com/paper-a-prayer-waitlist