Vintage or New a Sugar Mold Tablescape is Always in Style
Hello friends, I’ve been a little quiet these past few weeks because a small bomb has gone of in our world! It’s all good and I will fill you in as I show you an easy tablescape idea you can do with a sugar mold. I have a number of sugar molds, with different count holes and I love how versatile they are. My sugar molds are not vintage, they are Round Top finds that come out of Mexico, but they are still treasures to me!
Here is our family update with a side of tablescape tips. Just a few weeks ago my husband took a new job. This was an answer to a prayer we have had for a while and there is even more back story that I will tell later! The thing about this job is…it requires us to move. A few hours away from where we live now. I’ve barely had time to tell everyone, the ball has rolled very quickly on this one, but we ARE SO EXCITED.
Todd started his job the Monday of our spring break and I traveled to Dallas with him so I could look for a new place to call home. He went to work and I drove around the metroplex crying from the overwhelming task of finding home in this giant city. Mind you at this point we haven’t told any of our family, including our kids. I drove past the high schools and cried at the Mega size of them. Our kids kind of knew change was coming but we had talked as a family of moving to a small town, with small schools and this hardly felt like we were delivering on what we had put in their heads. Day two I drove around more with a realtor and cried in her car, poor thing. Then we drove into the last town I hadn’t seen yet and I felt peace come. We could totally bloom here.
It looks like Burleson, Texas will be our new home, although we don’t have a house picked out just yet. Having a city narrowed down feels good and gives us focus. We are excited to explore and learn our new town soon. We came home and told the kids, after a few tears they are really excited. The promise of a season pass to Six Flags (a huge amusement park that will be close by) has helped. Back on the home front we have been busy getting our home ready to put on the market, which we did last week. On top of cleaning and organizing I was working on catching a feral cat that we regularly feed. We call him Black Jack, he (or she, we don’t really know!?) is a gorgeous cat that stands his distance. Recently he got beat up pretty good and was looking like he lost a TON of weight. I was going to cage him and feed him a few weeks so he could fatten up and rest, so I set my handy trap to get him. Monday afternoon I had the photographer coming to take listing pictures and some people coming for a showing. About an hour before the activities began my husband told me I caught something in my trap! Yay – anxious to go save my little pet project I suddenly saw it wasn’t a cat in my trap. Nope – it was a skunk. We have never seen a skunk anywhere around our house in 5 years! Now I have one 15 feet from our house. Awesome.
Comedy ensued. No one would come take him, so I ended up gently talking to this skunk as I snuck up on his cage with a towel. He sprayed. I walked up with another towel, he kept spraying. After two tries, I’m leaning over the top of the cage, completely freaking out, the not so little guy runs free, spraying as he goes. I mean, I could see him squirting liquid. OMG, y’all. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up!!! It smelled like a skunk died everywhere around my house. Needless to say, those people didn’t buy my house and I almost lost a favorite pair of pants.
Skunk and all, I can hardly tell you how gracious God has been to us. Every step of the way He confirms this change for us. The stench aired out, my pants washed clean (my shoes are a different story and the towels got thrown away immediately) and we have already signed a contract on our home. We will be going through inspections, etc in the coming week. We genuinely are overflowing with gratitude and unbelief as we watch this story unfold. Glory be to God alone.
I’m certain the coming months will have their ups and downs, fears and victories and I look forward to having you all along for the ride. This has been a huge journey of faith for my family and I promise to share the good and the bad with you. Prayers would be appreciated. Prayers that my children will find fast friends, prayers that we find the perfect home, neighborhood church and schools, prayers that my husband would flourish in his job, prayers that I would be able to take care of my family, keep us on track and not feel overwhelmed. Thank you in advance. 🙂
As I was getting the house ready to show, I hadn’t set the table after clearing it from the last holiday and my husband asked if I was going to leave it bare. I always love when one of my people notice the table isn’t “decorated”. In the midst of a million things to do I threw this table together and it’s proof that it doesn’t take much time or money to warm your table. I wrapped the middle of the table with wrapping paper from the dollar bins at Michael’s. I always look at their cute wrapping papers for uses outside of gifts. This black and white silverware theme was begging to be used as a table runner. Next I layered on the sugar mold. In a few of the holes I added greenery snipped (here are tips on how to do this easily) from the yard…boxwood and Viburnum branches. The sweet yellow flowers are broccoli flowers and let me tell you – that’s the only broccoli this table has seen in a while, lol! We grew a little broccoli in the garden this year and this is the most we have used it. I just love how sweet it is though. I bought these great looking faux oranges last year, so I placed them in some holes of the sugar mold and layered in a few tea cups for extra height and interest. One of my favorite things to use as a plate chargers are large silver plate trays. You can easily find these at thrift stores for $1. I pick them up every time I seen them. I love that they are all different, yet the same. The napkins are just some chambray material I cut into 19″X19″ squares and tied.
I’ve been asked if I will be sad to leave this house and my answer is…no. Home is where my people are and I can set a table anywhere as long as they are around it. There are many people and things I will miss as we move, this house has definitely been a blessing to us, but we feel so strongly this is what God has called us to it’s hard to be sad. I hope you’ll stay tuned as we move forward on this journey! Let me know if you have any tips on the Burleson/Ft. Worth area please.
No doubt you and your family will bloom where God plants you. So exciting! Thank you for sharing with us.
God Bless.
Thank you so much, we are excited…I’ve always loved an adventure ????
May your move be filled with excitement and joy, and may He be there the whole way.
thank you so much, He is faithful!
Congratulations! You know God is in your midst when things work out. Now to see what he has planned. Good luck with your move. I’m looking forward to seeing your new home and hearing what you have planned. Also, I’d suggest leaving the skunk lol!
LOL – we are NOT packing the skunk!!!! I can’t wait to see what He has planned as well 🙂 thanks friend
Oh my gosh, how exciting for you and your family! (expect for the skunk story, lol) I’m sure it will be a wonderful new adventure for you all. The amazing part of the story was about your stray cat, Black Jack. Three years ago i started feeding a stray black cat and he got so used to feeding time that he would be sitting behind our garage at 5 o’clock every day waiting for his next meal….well it took me about 3 weeks to make friends with him and i (you won’t believe this) named him Black Jack! Jack has been with us ever since and is the best cat we’ve ever had. God bless you all and lil’ Black Jack
I love this! We found three feral kittens a while back and they became sweet, we found homes for 2 of them, but one was not friendly enough. Now she sleeps with us at night and cuddles and purrs, but during the day you can’t even pet her. It’s the weirdest thing!!! I think Black Jack will stay feral unless I catch him and I am NOT about to put the cage back out. The skunk ruined me! Love on your Black Jack!!
This is so exciting!!!
miss you already
I am very excited for you. If God is leading – all will be well. Please know that this faithful follower will also be faithful in prayer for you and your family!
you just made my day, thank you so very much. I can’t think of anything better!!!
Wow, Kim! Crazy stuff! Praying right now, for peace and calm for your and the fam during this new season of life. I’m excited for you, and it sounds like you are adjusting to our Lord’s plan. He is good, all the time… Really happy for you!
thank you – we are moving one day at a time! waiting for the next step. I appreciate your prayers SO MUCH! thank you!
I am very excited for you and your family. We live about 13 miles west of Fort Worth and about 25 miles south of Burleson. At the time we moved here (20 years ago) there were 1200 people now there is probably 15,000. I love Fort Worth! Grand Prairie has a big flea market each weekend-Traders Village and my favorite place to go in Fort Worth is Montgomery Street Antique Mall. When I was teaching we used to go to Mainstay Farm in Cleburne for field trips. Cleburne is not too far from Burleson. In the fall they have a pumpkin patch and they have a huge Christmas tree farm. We have been to Dallas maybe 3 times and those 3 times we took the train. I hope this will help a little bit.
this is awesome info – I did see the traders village (of course, lol) I can’t wait to explore all this stuff, many thanks!!
Being a Christian and following God is always exciting and a wonderful adventure. I will keep you in my prayers and know that all your family will find a warm and wonderful welcoming wherever you go. I use to have a son and sister in those areas but it was 10 -15 years ago. I do think you will love it though. I am anxious to see and take this journey with you, have a great week.
Thanks Marlene, WE have such faith this will be great for our family. I will definitely keep you posted!
Welcome to my neck of the woods. Although I live east of the metroplex (Forney), I’m familiar with Burleson and hope your family really loves it there. Happy house hunting!
well hi neighbor! thanks so much, I know where Forney is!
So very happy for you and your family! I wish you many blessings and happiness always.
thank you so much!!!
I love this tablescape Kim, it’s beautiful! Also not over that skunk story. You know I’m praying for you, girl!
that little skunk face is burned in my memory!!!! thanks Deb
Wow!! So excited for your family and dying over the skunk story!! Praying now for you guys!!
thank you friend, that skunk was no joke! He was mad! lol
Kim, your house pains sounds like my life. There’s always a skunk! Haha… Hang in there as God is ready to knock your socks off. Love the table display!
lol – always a skunk of some kind right!? thanks so much, we are anxious to see what He has in store!
Hi Kim, I just found your site as I’m heading to Round Top next week for the first time! thanks for the tips!!! We moved to Keller, TX for my husband’s job just under a year ago from Washington State (4 months form notice to move in!), so I hear all you are saying about change. You will do just fine! Your kids are young (mine are early twenties!), you’ll all get plugged in and I’m sure God has great plans for you. Praying for your family, happy house hunting!
thank you so much and welcome to Texas! We looked a little in Keller, but are trying to be on the south side of the metroplex! I appreciate your prayers so much
I am so happy for you! When I read where you are going I got super excited! We have family and friends in the area and know of an awesome church! I will find out names and details and get back with you.
I just love seeing people walk in God’s plan!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
That would be awesome, I would love some direction, thank you so much, looking forward to hearing from you!
Rachel and Alan Tuttle Worship leader
Keri and Jason Sherman Sound guy
We weren’t sure if they were near where you are going or not, but I do know that a church alive is worth the drive! 🙂
great info, thank you so much, we will definitely look into it!!!
I don’t think the April printable link is working.
It wasn’t, but I have fixed it – so sorry about that!!!!