Learn how to make A DIY scrap wood snowman family with this easy tutorial.
Nothing beats a good scrap wood project idea that is perfect for your Christmas decor. This little DIY scrapwood snowman family makes my heart warm like hot chocolate!
I seriously had so much fun rummaging through my junk drawers to make these snowmen from repurposed bits and pieces of screws and scraps we had tucked in jars and drawers.
You can make them too!
The big secret to these Christmas cuties is a landscape timber. You can use any kind of scrap wood you have handy, but to get the round-ish shape of these snowmen then you will want to grab a landscape timber from your local hardware store.
They run about $5-$8 dollars and one will be enough to make an entire family. (I’ll give you a supply list below for ease)
I used my favorite chop saw (that I got for my birthday last year, because that’s the kind of thing I ask for ????) and cut my wood into the following lengths. Of course you can make these as big or small as you like!
Wood Cuts for Snowman Home Decor:
- Start with a landscape timber
- For the family of 5 snowmen you see here cut the following lengths of landscape timber (or other scrap wood).
- 1 -5″
- 1 – 4″
- 1 – 3″
- 3 – 2″
- 5 – 1′
- For the animals I used a 1 inch thick dowel rod and 2X2 wood piece, both cut down to approximately 2″ Here is little Oliver…
You can play around with different heights and thicknesses to match your family. This would be a great DIY snowman craft to do with kids or grandkids.
See how cute our Gigi is:
Next gather up scraps of fabric, junk drawer items, left over nuts and bolts, whatever you can find to bring your little Frosties to life! Here is Dad/my hubby…
You could make these with any theme really, just go crazy. I love to give each snowman the personality of the person it represents.
Especially with the face…a smile, a smirk a tiny grin, have fun with it! Here is our oldest son Hank, my dapper dude…
If you make your own, I’d love to see them! Until then here is a supply list to help you out:
DIY Wooden Snowmen Supply List
- Landscape Timber
- Saw – this is mine and my favorite!!!
- 2″ X 2″ wood pieces and/or 1 ” dowel
- Hot Glue Gun
Check out my youngest, Sadler – A sports lover!
- Glue Sticks – these are awesome
- Paint – I used black and white only
- Sharpie – this one is what I used for the face
Here is my sweet daughter Mae, a fashionable teenager now!
- Felt/burlap/dropcloth/misc. fabric for clothes
- Junk draw items like keys, screws, bolts, thumbtacks, buttons, feathers, faux flowers, ribbon, yarn, wired jute, clothespins, etc.
Here is me, crazy accessory wearer and scarf lover…
Pin this project for inspiration later…
Here is the whole family together.
And out on display for Christmas. Of course I need to make two cats so this lazy (see him, he blends in!) mess doesn’t get jealous and sit on the new decor 😉 !
Google Web Story: Scrap Wood Snowman Family
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[mv_create key=”33″ thumbnail=”https://kimpepperblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/DIY-Snowmen-craft-from-scrap-wood-wooden-family-christmas-decor-4.jpg” title=”How To Make A DIY Scrap Wood Snowman Family” type=”diy”]
Ahhhhh! I’m going to make some of these for my niece’s family! Too cute!! I might have to wait until next year to give them, but I can put this on my 2020 list so they’ll be ready and waiting.
Note: I gave the mustard seed vials to my class. Loved ’em :o)
Yay so glad they liked them and these are so much fun to make, enjoy!!
Absolutely adorable!!!! Love it!
Thanks, I love how easy they are and fun to personalize ❤
I absolutely love them!Each with it’s own personality, just too cute. I also like that they are not so Chrismasy that you can use them all winter. By the way I do love Christmas though. If my family would let me, I would have it all year long. LOL
Thanks Diane – and I have already busted out the Christmas music so I feel ya!
Noooo, it’s too soon for Christmas music— not in October!!! : ) You can work on Christmas stuff, just don’t play the music yet!!
Liberty @ B4andAfters.com
Your snowman family is so adorable! What a clever idea. I may try to recreate my own family. Thanks for this wonderful and heartwarming idea.
So glad you like it, you could make a ton of them!!!
These are so cute!
I’m so glad you like them!!!
This is a great tutorial! I’m going to try this out with some of the scraps I have lying around.