I am SO EXCITED about today. Besides a fun winter refresh, today is a big and fun day that probably should have happened a long time ago. I’m launching home decor in the Mercantile! It has been such a joy to start planning and selecting items, it will be a slow rollout while I get the hang of things and get feedback on what you all like, so stay tuned for all the goodness coming your way! You can shop the Home Decor & Lifestyle collection HERE!
Refreshing my home decor frequently is a great way for me to get creative and rotate my many treasures around. If you ask me one of the best ways to spend the day is to clear off some spots in your house and start fresh decorating them. I like to throw on some great music, open the cabinets and find something I haven’t pulled out in a while. Then just play!
This year I took our Christmas decorations down the day after Christmas. I was so ready to get it put away, just thankful we made it through the holidays. Even with the quick put away it took me weeks to put the house back together again. But, it was so fun to start fresh!!!! So here it is! The refresh of a few spots in our home!
I keep decorating easy by keeping the number of spaces I change up to a minimum. Some things stay put other spots rotate and get seasonal decor. If you’re just starting to really decorate your home or transitioning your style this is my biggest tip. Start small and grow it slowly. A house looks and feels cozier when it’s curated and collected.
I love to layer – old with new, textures and materials, height and scale. Every good vignette starts with a good base. A strong foundation – you know an anchor! Sometimes the Mercantile will offer some great building block pieces and sometimes it will offer the focal points. You can shop the Home Decor & Lifestyle collection HERE!
The home decor collection will also carry sets. This is something I’m the most excited to offer. Everything you need in one box to decorate a spot in your house. A fabulous way to make one focal point fresh and shiny. Perfect for those anxious to get a spot together quickly. Awesome for you if you aren’t really sure how to start. Even better if you don’t know where to find the right items. Or maybe you don’t have the time to scour stores for the right items. Anyway you cut it, I’m curating collections that I hope and pray you will adore. I sure do!
If you were ever hopeful you could have a dear friend come over and help you decorate, well now you can! ME! I wish I could come over with a cup of coffee and rearrange furniture. Unfortunately, I can’t but this is the next best thing!!!
Hopefully this winter refresh will give you some fresh decorating ideas as well as a new source to add to your home decor stash. I’d be honored to be part of your home. Creating a safe place for your family to land at the end of a day is such a wonderful gift. Enjoy it! If you want to check out the home decor we have in stock, SHOP HERE. Also – it ships FREE, just like everything in the Mercantile!

A winter refresh home decor tour with a special resource guide for beautiful, curated home decor. #decorsource #winterrefresh #decoratingtips #decorideas
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